Friday, February 26, 2010

A Letter to the Polygraph Profession

To the Profession:

We (Ralph & Nadine) have made some difficult business and personal decisions.

Out of respect for those who like it when people get to the point, this letter is going to be all business. Understanding the ‘why’s’ of this business letter will be important to some of you. A more personal letter that should answer many of those questions will follow later.

The term downsizing just doesn’t seem to fit a mom and pop shop like our Polygraph Place, but that really is the best way to describe what we are doing. What does that mean for you? Maybe nothing, but please read through the following list of changes to our paid and free services.

Business Services

Website Design-Hosting: TRANSITIONING - WordNet Solutions (the web design/hosting portion of our business) has merged with CorData, a trusted business partner for 5+ years. CorData will be fulfilling all existing contracts plus they have a seasoned web development & technical support team ready to meet your upcoming and future design-hosting needs. Learn more about CorData

* For all existing clients, an introductory letter from CorData will be coming once we have completed the necessary transitions. In the meantime, continue to send you website-hosting changes to me as usual at

Business Printing: CLOSED - The Polygraph Place will no longer be offering printing services. This includes business cards, letterhead, signage and graphic design.

Advertising: UP & RUNNING - The original website will continue with its current advertising opportunities including basic listings, featured listings, state banners, polygraph specialist banners, run of site banners and special placement advertisers.

Polygraph Community

Polygraph Place Forums: UP & RUNNING. The forums, especially the private forum for examiners, fills a necessary function in our community. It is the only place where polygraphers can discuss their ‘unofficial’ views on the events that are directing or affecting our profession, regardless of location or affiliation. I plan to offer free hosting for this forum for years to come, but I hope to soon turn over the operation and direction of the forum to the community itself. Please feel free to start an ‘ideaforia’ discussion in the private forum on how to do this with the least amount of chaos and greatest amount of common sense.

Real Polygraph Lie Detection News listserver & Blog: ON HOLD; with the exception of an occasional announcement, news of special importance or closeout sale item.

Polygraph Merchandise & Instrumentation

Polygraph Place Store: CLOSING - The online store will remain open with remaining inventory available for purchase online until March 12, 2010. No Returns or exchanges.

Polygraph T-Shirts: CLOSEOUT - All T-shirt designs still closeout priced at $10 each. No more will be printed so when they are gone, they are gone.

Polygraph Technique Guides: PRE-ORDER ONLY - We do have a few technique guides left in stock that you can buy now on the store until March 12. After this stock is depleted, we will re-order once we have sufficient offline pre-order commitments.

PICS – Polygraph Instrumentation Consignment Sales: CLOSING – Our only remaining inventory are two analog instruments. Still available for purchase online until March 12, 2010.

That’s it for now. We will be moving out of our offices over the weekend and our ability to communicate will be sporadic. If there are any urgent concerns, please email I will be checking that email regularly.

Ralph & Nadine Hilliard
The Polygraph Place


  1. This must be very difficult for you and Nadine. The Polygraph Place has contributed much to the polygraph profession. You are in our thoughts as you make this transition. Robert Riggs- Kansas City, Missouri.

  2. I'm sorry to hear, of this. I know you will make a definite come back, and you will prosper even more, in the coming times. I thank you, for all your help. You are in my prayers.
